Semester 1
Introduction to Missions
Dr. Roger Baker
A course focusing on the Biblical basis of world missions.
Home & Marriage
Pastor Chuck Perkins
A course focusing on our first ministry, our home.
Practical Tips For The First Term
Missionary Keith Shumaker
How to set yourself up for continued success during your first term on the mission field.
Biblical Principles for Church Planting
Missionary James Ruckman
Examining Biblical principles regarding church planting.
Pre-Field Missionary Service
MWBM Office Staff
Examining how to make the most of the ministry of deputation.
Acts I
A study of the missionary principles as found in Acts.
Semester 2
Sermon Prep and Delivery
Dr. Scott Caudill
Practical tips for sermon preparation and delivery.
Covenant Walk
Pastor Chuck Perkins
A course focusing on the importance of guarding our minds against the dangers and temptations of pornography.
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Dr. Roger Baker
How to become an effective communicator of the word of God to all ages.
Training Nationals For The Mission
Missionary Keith Shumaker
Obeying the Great Commission through discipleship.
The Personal Life Of The Missionary
MWBM Office Staff
A course focusing on the importance of keeping your walk with the Lord strong.
Acts II
A continued study of the missionary principles as found in Acts.
Semester 3
Personal Evangelism And Discipleship
Missionary James Ruckman
This course examines the important link between salvation and discipleship.
Church Planting I
Missionary Keith Shumaker
Church Planting USA
Dr. Roger Baker
These courses are designed to take you through the entire church planting process, from planning to arriving on the field to turning over the work.
Dr. Thomas Satterfield
This course examines basic missionary principles, purpose, and activities.
World Religions
MWBM Missionaries
A look at the various religions of the world.
The Missionary And Church Relationship
MWBM Office Staff
The importance of guarding and cultivating the relationship between the missionary and their sending church.
I & II Timothy
An examination of two of Paul’s pastoral epistles and their missionary influence.
Semester 4
Biblical Ethics
Dr. Dean Hamby
This is a study of the role of the Bible as our moral authority and how it affects our decision making.
Church Planting II
Missionary Keith Shumaker
Church Growth USA
Dr. Roger Baker
These continuing courses are designed to build upon the material from the previous semester.
The Family On The Field
Dr. & Mrs. Dean Hamby, Mr. & Mrs. David Fenley
This course examines the value of your family ministry on the mission field.
Cross-Cultural Evangelism
MWBM Missionaries
This course examines how to cross and overcome cultural boundaries in order to reach people with the Gospel.
Unique Church Challenges
MWBM Office Staff
The mission field often brings challenges that are unusual. This course examines some of those challenges and how to handle them.
An examination of one of Paul’s prison epistle and its missionary influence.