Practical Biblical Training That Makes An Eternal Difference.
Practical Training
You have answered Christ’s call to go. What an exciting time in your life, but what do you do next? How do you raise the support you need to survive on the mission field? What will you do when you get to the field? How will you handle the culture shock and challenges you will face? These questions and many others are the reason Macedonia Institute for World Evangelism was formed.

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; II Timothy 3:14

Class fees are reasonably priced so that anyone desiring to enroll can afford to do so. This makes us an affordable option for anyone desiring to continue in their training.

MIWE is a completely online video-based course of study. You can complete this study wherever you are, whether you are traveling on deputation or on the mission field.

With a course of study that has been prayed over and prepared by missionaries with many years of experience on the mission field, MIWE is able to better prepare you to be a success on the field.
Macedonia Institute of World Evangelism
A call to ministry is a call to preparation. Our practical courses will prepare you.
Together, our staff of instructors have hundreds of years of ministry experience.